BIM (Building Information Modeling) Integration into Maximo

Hello! We are investigating the integration of BIM (Building Information Modeling) into Maximo. If you are not familiar, no worries! BIM is a standard part of Maxima as of Maximo 7.5.03. This is exciting because it helps automate the entry of Locations and Assets. For example, you may have CAD drawings for a new building detailing assets and locations, and now all this data can be imported directly into Maximo without manual reentry. Not only does this prevent missing assets and locations in Maximo but it helps ensure that you follow standard naming conventions.  Getting involved early in a building project helps ensure. you capture all the important details needed by your maintenance team.   


If you have ever performed an asset walkdown, you know that there can be lots of locations and assets that never make it into this system. Incorporating BIM into Maximo helps with this issue.  


There are two parts to BIM integration, and we can help you with each:  


  1. Import COBie (Construction Operations Building Information Exchange) standard data. Data is exported and then ‘cleaned’ in a .csv or .xls format. Data may include Locations, Assets, Job Plans, and PMs. From there, you import data into Maximo using the BIM Projects application. 
    2) Use the Manage BIM Viewer application to connect Maximo to 3D models. You’ll add the Forge Viewer Plugin for the 3D viewer. This will give you a 3D tab on applications such as Assets, and Locations. Having the 3D component is not necessary but it is a very helpful part (and cool of course). This 3D component will be displayed through the Autodesk cloud where you can interact and update the model. Be aware that there is a charge however for cloud access. But, once you have the model, you can then identify and create work orders from specific problem areas noted on the model.  


We would love to hear your experiences with BIM integration, and we look forward to any insights you may be able to provide. And if you need any help with your BIM project and connecting BIM with Maximo, we’d love to hear from you too. We are always happy to help.  


Reference this IBM link for full details on BIM:  



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